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Great analysis! Even if the quotes are in any way reflective of the number of (yet to be defined) "incidents", there are statistical correlations they did not account for. Tesla's record video, which makes Tesla owners far more likely to report "incidents" than owners of other makes because Tesla owners are far more likely to be able to prove the "incident" was the other guy's fault and who the other guy was. I made a claim using video of a pickup truck driver scraping my wife's parked Tesla, and the proof was so definitive the other guy's insurance paid for everything even our deductible. Today we have an active claim of a motorcycle driver smacking my wife's Tesla in the HOV lane because our video sees his license plate and he gave the "up yours" gesture as he drove off. If we didn't have such great video evidence that it was the other guys' fault, we might not have reported these "incidents".

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